Wednesday, April 30
No money.... Aaarghh!
Tuesday, April 29
Cabin Fever
I've been mostly unable to go out all month due to severe funding problems. At long last, tomorrow those problems will be solved for another month. Or more likely, just for a few days until I blow all my wages on junk and being disorderly.
Through circumstances that still baffle me somewhat I seem to have found myself pretty much homeless. Not only is this odd in itself, but even odder is that this is becoming a fairly regular state for me.
Now, the two paragraphs above seem to go well together. I'm now homeless, and I'm also about to get paid.
2 + 2 = ?
That's right kiddies, Swinstead is looking to rent himself a new place to live. I can just about afford to rent a place to myself but I'd be eternally skint so I'm in the market for a housemate. So is anyone ready to fly from under the wing of their parents? Or perhaps anyone just graduating uni and needing their own place? Or even anyone living with a prick at the moment and wanting to move?
Answers on a postcard!
The idea of this post was that after briefly mentioning my housemate search, I would meander back onto the primary topic of the blog. Having completed stage 1 of the plan I now have the problem of having forgotten the primary topic of the blog - henceforth to be known as the PTOB.
I'm still without my driving license for 8 months and it's not starting to get to me. I may have gone crazy before the ban runs out.Last week I had the luckiest bag of skittles ever. All matched. You know.
Wednesday, April 23
Priest vanishes on helium based adventure

In the news today, Brazillian RC priest Father Adelir de Carli has vanished offshore in an attempt to break the world record for longest helium filled balloon flight.
He filled up hundreds of balloons with ACME helium and set off for the skies. Crowds say it was a miraculous sight to behold as Father de Carli floated towards his employer, not knowing at the time that he was never to be seen again.

As well as his GPS and satellite phone, he was equipped with a buoyant chair and a scuba-tank propelled underwater jet pack. He is also an experienced skydiver and crocodile tamer.
Planes and helicopters of the Brazilian air force as well as boats of the Brazilian navy are searching off the coast of Santa Catarina state, where pieces of balloons were found on a beach. The site is said to have resembled a ghost circus.
Searchers had previously swooped in on several outdoor childrens birthday parties looking for Father Carli, having spotted the balloons from above.
Father Carli was hoping to raise money to fund a rest stop for lorry drivers.
The Roman Catholic church has released a statement stating "The Lord works in mysterious ways. As do nutters with helium balloons"
Full story on BBC news...
(My version mostly made up)
Friday, April 18
Friday, April 11
I lost the game
How come wood can get wet, as of course can trees, and not be ruined, but paper - which is essentially just really thin wood - disintegrates when wet?
This and more questions answered next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel!
Wednesday, April 9
I am a passenger
Young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.
Wednesday nights down Mansfield, now known as legendairy. I'm lactose intolerant though.
I'm on my arse today though, had not much more than 3 hours sleep and I've got a full day at work to get through. Wish me luck.
Friday, April 4
I shot the Sheriff
That's 1-0 so far you bastard boys in blue but soon I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my driving license. And you will know I am Swinstead when I lay my vengeance upon you.
I'll get you next time gadget!
So fuck, yeah, I can't drive for 9 months. Bloody good job, then, that I just got a 360 and Stu just got a PS3, I'm gonna need them to get me through these long months staying at home. Along with The Apprentice which is BACK!
Wellington Flinging - how and why did that start up?
That's all folks.