Sunday, January 4

Listen up.

I am here to preach to you about my religion. But fear not brave readers, my preaching doesn't involve a religion that requires flying a plane into a skyscraper, avoiding eating pork, or even touching small boys (but it doesn't rule it out either, don't worry).

The basic premise of my preaching is to spread the holy word of the two best things ever created by our god John Logie Baird, The West Wing and How I Met Your Mother.

I have commandments too.

The first commandment is honour thy father. Thy father is Aaron Sorkin (thy mother is Neil Patrick Harris).

The second commandment is thus; all television other than that which is preached in our religion, is shite. Thou shalt not watch lesser television.

The grace of the lord Sorkin be with all. Amen.

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