Wednesday, February 11

Micro-Gallery v0.1

A couple of days ago I got asked by an employment agency about whether I had any online portfolio work they could see. Well, there are a couple of sites I've been working on recently, but everything decent I've made in the past is now offline for one reason or another: So I decided I need to knock up something new to show off what I can do.

The result: Micro Gallery v0.1! A PHP dynamic picture gallery script.

The idea was that I wanted to create a gallery script that, unlike the much more mature applications available online, was entirely self-contained within one PHP file. The result is a gallery.php that can be dropped into any images folder and will do everything itself with no need for installation or configuration whatsoever - and importantly, no need for any database! Even the background image is generated on-the-fly by a little GD script!

Aesthetically it's not much to look at, but this was more of an exercise in PHP and AJAX than in design work.

Most folks reading this will be entirely unimpressed by that, but perhaps a few of the geeks among you will think it's pretty cool.

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