Sunday, November 23


I just looked out of my window and realised it's been snowing! This is great, i love snow. I'm going to bed now since it's quarter to 6 in the morning, but i'm hoping really hard that there's gonna be a lot more snow when i wake up!

Wednesday, November 19

Happy Swinstead

The fellow geeks reading this will understand, but to everyone else, I'll explain.

When you're writing code in a program, there will always be bugs. Most of them will be minor things that are easily sorted but every now and then a bastard comes along that seemingly has no explanation, and you get stuck on it.

I've had one of those for the last 7 hours, and it's been driving me insane.

Right now, after finally fixing it, I feel total euphoria. I can now go to sleep at last.

Night kids.

Thursday, November 6

Mouse Cloned From Long Frozen Cell

As a self-confessed geek I find this totally cool:

Nov. 4, 2008 -- Japanese scientists said Tuesday they had created a mouse from a dead cell frozen for 16 years, taking a step in the long impossible dream of bringing back extinct animals such as mammoths.

The scientists extracted a cell nucleus from an organ of the dead mouse and planted it into an egg of another mouse which was alive, leading to the birth of the cloned mouse, the researchers said.

Basically it means that the only thing stopping them from cloning a mammoth is finding a specimen in good enough condition to extract a cell nucleus from.

It would have to be mated with an elephant, resulting in a half-mammoth hybrid, but cloning another mammoth with this result would produce a 3/4 breed, and the next generation after that would be 7/8ths mammoth.

Bring on Jurassic Park!

I need your karma!

I've been applying for a few jobs recently - two of which are ones I would very much like, and one of those two I will find out whether I'm through to the next stage of tomorrow.

So wish me luck guys, I really want this. What I'm doing now really isn't working, I'm covering bills but bugger all else, I really need to get back into a proper, full time, normal job.

So send your good vibes this way tomorrow please, and aim them well because I don't want your karma running over my dogma!

Wednesday, November 5

Congratulations to the USA of America

Well done America, last night you finally rectified the mistake you made 4 years ago and chose a new president.

The phrase "Yes we can" was the motto of Barack Obama's election campaign.

The sad thing is that if the question had been "Can we vote Bush again?" And the answer had still been "yes we can"... then they probably would have.

Sunday, November 2

An interesting day

Today, I made rice crispies cakes, mince pies, and a bamboo go cart (unfinished), and saw 3 foxes all separately on the way home.

Tomorrow, I am going to London. In fact I have to be up in 3 hours so it's way past my bed time...